Enhancing Self-Esteem with Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Self-esteem plays a crucial role in shaping how individuals perceive themselves and navigate the world around them. While low self-esteem can contribute to a range of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and relationship problems, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) offers a promising approach to enhancing self-worth and self-acceptance. At Onward Health & Wellness, we specialize in providing DBT-informed care to support individuals in Salem, Oregon, in cultivating a positive and resilient sense of self.

Understanding Self-Esteem

Self-esteem refers to the subjective evaluation of one’s own worthiness and value as a person. It encompasses beliefs about oneself, including competence, lovability, and worthiness. Healthy self-esteem is characterized by a sense of self-acceptance, self-respect, and self-confidence, while low self-esteem is marked by self-criticism, self-doubt, and feelings of inadequacy.

The Role of Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Enhancing Self-Esteem

DBT offers a comprehensive and integrative approach to enhancing self-esteem by addressing the underlying issues contributing to low self-worth.

Cultivating Mindfulness and Self-Acceptance

Mindfulness practices are central to DBT and can help individuals develop a greater sense of awareness and acceptance of themselves. By cultivating nonjudgmental awareness of their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, individuals can reduce self-criticism and enhance self-compassion.

Challenging Negative Beliefs and Patterns

DBT helps individuals identify and challenge negative beliefs and patterns that contribute to low self-esteem. By examining the evidence for and against these beliefs, individuals can develop more balanced and realistic perspectives of themselves, promoting greater self-acceptance and self-confidence.

Building Self-Validation and Assertiveness

DBT emphasizes the importance of self-validation and assertiveness in enhancing self-esteem. By learning to acknowledge and affirm their own experiences and emotions, individuals can strengthen their sense of self-worth and assert their needs and boundaries in relationships.

Promoting Goal Setting and Achievement

Setting and achieving meaningful goals is an essential aspect of building self-esteem. DBT helps individuals identify values and set achievable goals that align with their personal aspirations, fostering a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.

Integrating DBT into Self-Esteem Enhancement at Onward Health & Wellness

At Onward Health & Wellness, we understand the profound impact that low self-esteem can have on individuals’ well-being and relationships. Our compassionate therapists provide evidence-based care, integrating DBT principles into personalized treatment plans to support clients in enhancing self-esteem and self-acceptance.

Through a combination of individual therapy, skills training groups, and ongoing support, we empower our clients to cultivate a positive and resilient sense of self. Our goal is to help individuals recognize their inherent worth and value, embrace their strengths and imperfections, and live authentically and confidently.


Dialectical dialectic behavioral therapy Therapy offers a transformative approach to enhancing self-esteem by addressing the underlying issues contributing to low self-worth. By cultivating mindfulness and self-acceptance, challenging negative beliefs and patterns, building self-validation and assertiveness, and promoting goal setting and achievement, DBT empowers individuals to develop a positive and resilient sense of self. At Onward Health & Wellness, we are committed to providing compassionate and comprehensive DBT-informed care to support our clients on their journey towards greater self-esteem and well-being.

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